Home Archive
April 24th
------------------------------------------------------------------- Making a website has been a very enjoyable experience so far.

It's something that I never really thought I'd be interested in, given that I really like programming and the markup nature of HTML and CSS sounded really boring to me initially.

But there's something about just taking some time out of my day to sit and make something that's really satisfying.

I thought I would be really excited to try and get some JavaScript on the go since I enjoy programming as much, but I haven't really felt the need to add anything just yet.

I had some plans to work on a system for sorting through recent posts and having an array and doing this and doing that for the blog, but I feel like it's much simpler to have the main /blog page sit as an archive and let people read whatever, rather than having the recent and all posts be different things. People will be able to tell what the most recent posts are based on how high the link is on the list.

Regardless, HELLO!

I've been very disinterested and disassosiated with social media for a while now. I would waste whole days browsing and doing useless shit on the sites and coming out the other side, I would feel angry, upset and generally bitter.

I think having a small space like this to customise and post my thoughts would be much better, and also, a lot more fun.

I have an idea that any time I want to specifically talk about a game that's on the gamelog, I can use it as an opportunity to link from the title, to a blog post over here also.

For now though, I'm just kind of figuring out things as I go. It's weird, I think everyone having their own little sites is a lot cooler than everyone being on social media. Though, as an artist, I understand its usefulness in promoting at least, so I'll probably keep posting any released games and or links to blog posts over there.

I think the time for personal websites is mostly over, but me and my friends are still making our own ones, and a lot of people around the world are too. I recommend giving it a try, it's a lot of fun!

I think the biggest issue I've encountered is understanding how the website will look on other websites. I run through to my sisters room constantly and ask her how it looks on her 1080p monitor, since I'm making and looking at it on 1440p, sometimes elements get cut off and other random shit.

I'll probably work on some other pages for now, but I'll use this blog whenever I feel like I have some random shit to talk about. I'll most likely be making specific game pages soon to talk about some of my favourite games.